Colin Robinson is still just dwarfing every other plant in height. Some of his leaves are huge. The two larger plants (Colin & Nandor) are consuming 1L of water per day while the two smaller plants (Laszlo & Nadja) are still on 0.5L per day. I was giving each plant 1L per day for a time, but Laszlo and Nadja were showing some signs of overwatering and their pots overflowed each time. I expect as they start to flower their demands will go up properly.

The only plant showing signs of malnutrition is Nadja. While all are getting the appropriate amount of nutrients for their stage of growth, Nadja's older leaves at the very bottom are quite yellow. I'm not convinced this is a huge problem as she looks otherwise very healthy but I'm keeping my eye on developments.

I can no longer crouch inside the tent to work with the plants - they've grown so large now that access is difficult if I were to try to even out the canopy on each plant. An uneven canopy across each of the main stems may negatively impact yield. I'll have to take maneuverability within the tent into consideration in future grows. I may also invest in SCROG netting (since the tent is impossible to maneuver in anyway) to allow me to keep an even canopy, even though it's not strictly necessary with a Mainlining technique.

While there's definitely room for the plants to grow taller still, I'm hoping they don't as the grow lamp may become less effective overall when they do, covering only a fraction of the total area of the canopy. This is currently a limitation of the way the lamp is attached to the locking pulleys it came with - I'm losing a good half-meter to wires and string and I could potentially raise it higher with a different mechanism.

The plants have been on a 12/12 "daylight" cycle for nearly a couple weeks and I'm expecting buds to start to develop any day now. I admit to being a bit worried, in spite of assurances, about the wavelength of the infrared light being emitted from the tent camera during the dark half of the light cycle. I'm hoping it isn't affecting the flowering process, but at the same time I want to prove it out and see if flowering happens in spite of the IR light. Worst comes to worst, if the plants don't flower within the next couple weeks I'll turn the IR off and try again.