Grow 3, day 42

Autoflowers are weird

· 2 min read
Grow 3, day 42

Wow, it's been a long time since the last update again. I've been busy with my circuitry hobby (another update on that is imminent on the other side of my blog).

Above, you'll see the current state of Santiago, who gained a bit of height before fully entering flower mode. She's got some yellowing on her lower leaves but that's not altogether unexpected during flowering. Otherwise she seems to be doing quite well!

Holt, on the other hand...  seems to have outdone Santiago in terms of flowering prematurely:

Holt, day 29

He's still smol and suddenly decided he needed to try flowering. I'm not even sure if it's worth keeping this one given it might all end up being larf bud, but I'm in no rush so for now I'll just keep my eye on where Holt is going with this silliness.

It might be that my grow tent is too bright for the autoflowers. I do run it pretty bright. Even so, it seems weird that they'd somewhat consistently bloom early.

Last but not least, my photoperiod plant, Diaz:

Diaz, day 39

Those fan leaves are huge! I'm using a pretty aggressive fertilizer regime, as you might be able to tell from the light/burned tips on all her leaves, but she's growing very fast. Her training is going well - I've now topped her to 4 colas and she's handling it gracefully.

Diaz, day 39

I'm loving growing in coconut coir so far. It retains water so amazingly well and doesn't shrink back over time like soil. Diaz seems to be thriving in it.

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