Grow 3, Day 64

Harvest time for Santiago!

· 2 min read
Grow 3, Day 64

Santiago has been ready for harvest for a few days and I was finally able to find the time and energy to get it done yesterday. It's amazing how quickly autoflowers grow and are ready for harvest - this was less than half the time of my previous, photoperiod grow. I'm sure with the right conditions she would have started flowering a bit later and I'd have had an opportunity to train her some, but this is still a pretty decent yield for not much effort.

A closer shot of Santiago's main cola just prior to harvest & trim
Main cola harvested and trimmed
Not a bad little yield!

Holt is actually doing remarkably well considering how early he went into flower. I don't expect as much yield as from Santiago, but in a couple weeks I'll be trimming again:

Holt, day 48.

And last, but not least, my current photoperiod plant, Diaz. She seriously shot up to an enormous height (for my tent) in the past 20 days or so, and is doing well. I'm trimming her more than I did my last photoperiod grow, in the hopes of more quality yield (had a lot of larf last time):

Diaz, day 58.

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