Day 137 - Blueberry Muffin Harvest

Streaming of my harvest

· 2 min read
Day 137 - Blueberry Muffin Harvest

With Nadja (Blueberry Muffin) being ready to harvest yesterday, I decided to start trimming last night and stream it all on Twitch. I totalled 7 hours of streaming until the wee hours of the morning and, after waking up this morning and watering the other plants, put in 2 more hours. So, 9 hours total time for one person, trimming at a fairly relaxed pace and chatting with viewers for some of the duration.

Viewers - mostly folks from among my existing followers and musician friends - seemed to enjoy the chill, meditative nature of the stream, along with a subject matter most were unfamiliar with.

Friday night's harvested and trimmed buds from Nadja (Blueberry Muffin)
Saturday morning's harvested and trimmed buds from Nadja (Blueberry Muffin)

In all, the yield from the one plant is pretty decent though I won't have an exact weight for it until after drying. I kept and am in process of drying all the THC-loaded sugar leaves and larf (underdeveloped buds) trimmed from Nadja.

Sugar leaves and larf from Nadja
Blueberry Muffin nugs on the drying rack
Four foil trays of sugar leaves and larf on the drying rack
Nadja, post-harvest

I'm both looking forward to and dreading the work involved in the remainder of the harvest since likely the other plants will be ready around a similar timeframe.

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