Day 80

Everybody's still healthy and strong.

· 1 min read
Day 80

As is evident, I switched to updating every 5 days or so as very little is happening. I'll probably increase that frequency when the plants start to flower. I'm also no longer taking individual photos of each plant.

I separated the plants a bit further to give them room to stretch out, as you can see in the photo. I'm thinking with all the horizontal growth they're going to have some trouble holding themselves upright once they start flowering so I've acquired some rods to use for that (though I'm not exactly sure how they'll be positioned or held in place yet).

While I could flip the plants over to a 12/12 flowering schedule any day now, I think it makes some sense to wait a little bit longer since I have vertical space in my tent to spare and those large pots should allow for more growth. I'd like to see the stems get a little more solid before forcing flowers on them. I'm thinking next time I won't be quite as aggressive in my tie-downs of the taller-growing plants.

I think I'm going to move plants around over the weekend so I can get a better look at the two in back (Colin Robinson and Nandor), and ease up or tighten tie-downs to keep all the stems even.

While I really appreciate how well this grow is progressing so far, all I can think about is what a chore it's going to be to trim all the buds when I finally get to that stage.

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