

· 1 min read

After a day of germinating in a small plastic box atop my computer, both Boyle and Santiago had taproots starting to emerge from their seeds. Not so for Peralta who stubbornly remained unmoved by the humidity and heat.

Seeds after day 1 of germinating.

I planted Santiago and Boyle this morning and waited for Peralta to crack. It wasn't until this afternoon (on day 2 of germinating) that the taproot began to emerge - I had accidentally left the seed box atop my computer while playing games and practically boiled the remaining seed. Hoping the seed remains viable, I have now planted it along with the others and will wait to see if they all emerge from the soil. 🤞🏻

Even though I use hydroponic fertilizers, for the entirety of grow #1 and grow #2, I used soil as my medium. For grow #3, I'm starting the seedlings in soil but my intention is to quickly transition to buffered coconut coir as an inert substrate with the first repotting. Hopefully timing works out as it'll likely be a couple weeks before my coir and perlite arrive.

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