Grow #2 (More or Less) Complete

Final weights and value calculation

· 3 min read
Grow #2 (More or Less) Complete

So in spite of my efforts to extend the drying time of the bud harvested this past weekend, I was only able to reach 4 days before the bud dried to the point of needing to be jarred for curing. I aim to improve upon this in future grows as I now know my humidity can be a bit higher in this climate, so long as air flow is maintained, without attracting mold.

In all, this grow was much shorter in duration than my first grow (the spacebin Pink Lemonade) with a much higher yield per plant, so regardless of the quality of the end product this marks a huge improvement. With iteration, I'm sure I'll get everything perfected.

Combined grow days for each plant, including days of drying. Darker colours indicate a previous grow.

Over last night and this morning I weighed the yield:

  • 61 g (2.15 oz) of Blue Cheese OG
  • 49 g (1.73 oz) of Bubba Kush
  • 52 g (1.83 oz) of Pink Lemonade

Adding to that the 65 g (2.29 oz) of Blueberry Muffin harvested a week prior, and this grow has resulted in 227 g (abt. 8 oz or 0.5 lbs) of legal cannabis.

Yield of 61g of Blue Cheese OG
Yield of 49g of Bubba Kush
Yield of 52g of Pink Lemonade

Everything was then quickly jarred for curing and placed on the shelf.

2.5 jars of Blue Cheese OG
2 jars of Pink Lemonade and 2 jars of Bubba Kush

In terms of cost-benefit, I haven't accounted for the huge expenditure of time in this project which would be a significant expense were I to calculate it out, but in terms of capital expenditure and consumable supplies, I've easily come out on top.

The tent, lights, fans, ducting, reusable supplies (pots, sticks, etc.), sensors, jars, etc. I'd estimate at roughly $1250 initially, though I purchased things at different times. The consumables (seeds, soil, water, electricity, fertilizer) I'll concede might be as high as $500 for the duration of the grow though I haven't precisely calculated it. So let's say my total expenses were around $1750.

If we calculate the value of my homegrow at the average legal price of $10.48/g, I'll have grossed the equivalent of about $2379 in legal cannabis and "profited" the equivalent of $629. I'm speaking here, of course, in terms of hypothetical value as it would be illegal to sell any of my supply. My yield is 100% not for sale or trade so these numbers are purely being used to analyze personal benefit. To some extent having this supply will offset what I might normally spend on legal cannabis but in practice I will likely also continue purchasing seeds, extracts, and dry flower if only to have variety in my consumption.

Estimated legal market value of my yield based on average price of $10.48/g. This is strictly for cost-benefit analysis and does not reflect any intention to sell. 100% not for sale or trade.

In all, this has been a fun project and I'll definitely grow again in future. In fact, I've got some additional tent lights on order for the next time. Before I start the next grow, I'm going to see which of the cultivars my household enjoys most and focus on those and/or a new seed. I'll also likely limit my grow to 2 plants moving forward.

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